Thread: Gift Bag Table
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Old 03-08-2011, 06:07 AM   #5 (permalink)
Alexander Wrekin
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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The Revolutionary

Alex felt pretty... useless at the moment. He wasn't allowed to set fire to anything, Ren wasn't around yet, and Gretchen had tasked his bro with helping with ruddy gift bags as it was. What was he supposed to do?

Moving quietly toward the group of people gathered at the now unmanned table he smiled slightly and said, "Oh, these are simply tokens of our appreciation for the support you all are showing for the wonderful Lord Borr. Are you lot... with the Ministry?" The corrupt, useless Ministry of Magic to be more precise.

Of course none of Alex's sour feelings showed in his tone or his face. His smile was genuine to anyone who did not know him and he seemed charming to boot. Just casual conversation and all innit? Hehe.
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