Thread: Gift Bag Table
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Old 03-08-2011, 05:12 AM
Gretchen Montasio Gretchen Montasio is offline
Default Gift Bag Table

After making it through security and before entering the seating area a table has been set up with many, many party bags in honor of Lord Borr's celebration arranged on top, covering every inch of table.

SPOILER!!: If you look inside one of the bags..
Inside the gift bag is an array of wonderful things, including a tee-shirt which is charmed to fit itself precisely to the right size, a voucher for Flourish and Blotts and another for Terrortours, a special sneakoscope from Wiseacres, a badge that whirrs between the regular ministry symbol to something just a little bit different, a little bag of limited edition Bertie Bott's beans, every flavour within starting with the letter 'B'.

Care for a souvenir? Feel free to speak with Miss Gretchen Montasio, who can be found organizing and filling bags from behind the table, or Mister Ren Sakura, who may be helping or merely keeping Gretchen company from time to time.