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PhoenixRising "Another cautious and thorough student," Josephina said outloud, as she glanced at the next student's parchment. "It will take you far though... that sense of thoroughness. The hard work. The discipline. You'll see. Just keep working hard and it'll pay off in the end." Maybe.
Looking at the whole class to address for another moment, she smiled. "You're all doing fairly well. Continue to work on your interpretations of your family name numbers for a few more minutes before we move on... Remember that the textbook interpretations are general and it is up to you as arithmancers to apply specific twists to those textbook meanings and make them personalized and unique for you."
Luin smiled and then nodded at the professor, "Thank you. Professor Hadley" she looked at her notes and nodded to herself then, it did seem to describe, that was definitely a quality she had, making sure that all her work was completely thorough