Levi was watching other students glide across the lake. A few of them were even spinning in the air and backtracking. God, they made it look so easy. He couldn't picture himself attempting to move like that. It seemed like skating and quidditch were equally as hard for him. He almost managed to collide into a bush or another person somehow. Still, Levi wasn't too bad at muggle sports like football and basketball.
The Gryffindor jumped slightly as somebody tapped him on the shoulder. He soon smiled in relief when he saw that it was only Cass. He tried to play it casual, although he was feeling a bit foolish. Who else would it have been anyway? He shouldn't have been so stunned but she still had that affect on him.
"Hey!" Levi answered brightly. "Yeah, I guess I am. How have you been, Cass?" He glanced down at his ragged coat, feeling a little under-dressed. Cass, on the other hand, looked really cute. She could have worn a potato sack and he still would have thought she was pretty.
"You look, uh, nice..." he added shyly. |