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"Wow, You like bad girls!" She squeaked. "I'll take that as a compliment then." She stuck out her tongue at him and laughed. Rex seemed to be such a funny guy. Alicia actually felt comfortable to be around him. Or maybe Fee's and Alex's friends were all slightly mental, in a good way of course. Rex was fun to be around. "Oh, I can't believe he said that. Really? I mean, he surely has loads of problems with me." She nodded a couple of times and her eyes showed her certainty before she laughed again. Alicia almost burst into another laughter when Rex mentioned that she would never bully any student. And yet she felt ashamed to do so. "Thank you for saying that, Rex." She grinned. Apparently, she, of course never had had any thoughts to bully students, but she did love to prank people around her. She just couldn't help it. But she didn't tell Rex about it, because she thought that it was better for him to find out himself anyway. "It's greatly appreciated." She chuckled, began to say random stuff.
She realized that she wasn't in her skate shoes as she didn't plan to skate before. "Hold on... I'll have to grab my skate shoes first before I can skate." She told Rex. She withdrew her wand from her robe's pocket and cast a spell with full of confident. "ACCIO my skate shoes! please come please please.." She shouted as she flicked her wand. In fact she had never really succeeded on casting that spell. Once, she used this spell to get Fee and coincidentally she suddenly appeared right in front of her. What a day! So her skate shoes apparently didn't reach her. "whoops.." She rolled her eyes, felt embarrassed. "I'm so baaad at this.." Alicia confessed. "My skate shoes hate me." She sighed and giggled afterwards.
"OMG! I KNOW!! I KNOW RON WEASLEY! he was the king!" Alicia exclaimed in surprise. "Of course. I know them. They made it into Hogwarts History!" She added. "They were heros!" The good thing was she remembered most of everything she read from the Hogwarts History book, which was so not like her. She read it just the other day at the library. "But still, I have never seen Jason. Would love to meet him though! That blonde guy." She grinned. "I've never known who my grandparents are. My parents never told me anything. I was raised like a muggleborn! Which was surprisingly retarded. They never let me use magic." She confessed. "There must be something behind this.. I need to find out.." She said, still trying to do the accio spell in between their conversation.
"Fee can be a bad girl, too, so I cannot day I do not like bad girls" Rex told Alicia."Watch that toungue young lady, do you want the tickle mosster to come and get you" Rex asked Alicia."Well maybe does not know the real Alicia like I do" Rex explained to Alicia." I have good feelings about you" Rex said to Alicia.
" Your skateshoes do not hate you silly" Rex laughed."Everything will work out fine" Rex smiled.Try over and over again to you get your skates" Rex pleaed with Alicia." You can do it" Rex called out.
"All Jason's famiy had been heroes even his father Hugo Weasely, his mother Orinda (Evans) Weasley and Jason himslf." Ok, you will be meeting Jason" he said to Alicia."I am muggleborn, too" he smiled.