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"Er, actually I haven't finished it yet. I don't know what to write! There is just so much to say, but I don't want to overwhelm them for my first letter." Nika smiled, "Actually I haven't really started yet." She held up her parchment for Rex to see. The sides were decorated with doodled in flowers that she drew herself.
Nika turned her head slightly when she noticed a younger looking boy. He couldn't be any older than third year. Nika smiled and waved at him. Being the friendly person she was she started to talk to him. "Hi! I'm Nika."
" Do not worry, your letter will get started and finished" Rex told Nika." My homework is done" Rex said to Nika. " Your parchment is very pretty" Rex smiled.
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Lucy was thinking about the group idea, it was good, but whom would she call on, hmm, that needed a lot of thinking. Her head started paining. She couldn't think much on that. Well just let Rex decide on that, I'll get some friend too she thought.
Then She heard Rex asking something "Hmm, i have two terms left?" she said
" Good, I want to see you captain of the Quidditch team next term" Rex told Lucy. " I was just thinking that we both should get our friends to go ice-skating" Rex said to Lucy. "What do you think about that idea?" Rex asked Lucy.