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Old 03-04-2011, 07:02 AM   #21 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi entered the potions classroom still feel like an emotional wreck even after the talk she had had with Selina the night before. Spotting Lexi, Kurumi avoiding all eye contact and made her way towards the front of the room where she put her book down on the table and took her seat.

"Good day, Professor Lafay," Kurumi said trying to sound cheerful, but sounding more meloncholy than she had intended.

She looked over at Selina who was chatting perhaps a bit too much with her friends, but didn't have the energy nor the desire to say anything.
Lexi spotted Kurumi walk in and TRIED to give the ickle baby Lion a smile... but she was not having it. Kurumi that is. SIGHS. Unrequited crushes...

Kind of stunk that Lexi was getting the cold shoulder when really she adored her little lioness pal. Oh well. Nothing new really... someone being upset about something that she DIDN'T really DO to wrong someone.

Clearing her throat, Lexi looked away and focused on her book instead. Hopefully Kurumi would let the ANGST go for Potions... or Lafay might eat her or somefink.
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