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Old 03-04-2011, 02:53 AM   #40 (permalink)
Anna Banana

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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eliza Bellerose
Second Year

Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate

Text Cut: We see you, Puffer Children!
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
And he took his time to get to this classroom, mind him. Treyen knew he could arrive late, but for whatever reason, he seemed happy. He had his reasons, okay? Being the fact that Zookara was the Professor one of those reasons.

"Excellent day, Professor!" he greeted the man. Not 'Good day', but 'Excellent', because...well, he felt like it. It had been a good day so let's way to see what it is they may do here today.

Oh, but he spotted his Potions' partner and walked her way. No, Treyen didn't sit next to Sierra, he took the seat behind her. Yup, she could be easily annoyed that way, no?
Originally Posted by tonks2 View Post
Emmy wandered around, looking for her friends..
Aha! There's one! Young Mr Treyen Lockhart.
He wouldn't mind if she sat behind him, would he? Nope, thought not!
She walked past, mouthed a quick "Hi Treyen!", and plonked herself down at the desk behind.
Originally Posted by Wenzlebug View Post
Cedric had arrived, a bit fashionably late as usual. Muggle Studies was always a class to attend. It was pretty interesting for it was about muggles and dealing with them. What's more? Muggles are muggles. That's to say: muggles are interesting.

"Good day, Professor Zook... ara," he greeted the man who was a little half-buried... by erm, whats-that-thing-under-that-blanket? A bit surprisingly, he decided not to bother ask what that thing was, his inquisitive expression fading deliberately. He looked across the room, spotting a certain Hufflepuff kid behind a certain Slytherin kid. Hmm.

Cedric walked toward Treyen and eased into the seat beside him. "Hey, Trey." And just in case Sierra would look over her shoulder, a broad, somewhat sheepish smile was waiting for her.
Originally Posted by Michael White View Post
Drat anouther snake Mikey was hopeing for a few more huffs to surround Sierria. That would be just down right funny. Trying not to get caught watching her reaction,Mikey places his bag on the desk to try and block the Chessier cat grin that was growing on his face

Sierra was suddenly feeling a bit twitchy for some reason. Maybe it was just because she was in Muggle Studies class, or maybe it was just because...

...where in the name of Merlin were all these Puffers coming from?! As Sierra glanced around her very immediate surroundings, she realized she was surrounded by a sea of yellow. She slowly peered just behind and noticed that her Potions partner, a Puffer, was seated directly behind her. Not only that, a Puffer Girl sat right behind him. Then of course, the Head Badger Boy was there, too--smiling at her, of all things!

Just what did he want?!

Then to top it all off, Micheal White was nearby, eying her like he, too, was watching and waiting for something. This is what she got for attending a Muggle Studies class...

With a rather annoyed look on her face, she turned back around to face the front. She was still aware of the Badgers, though, and she was ready to strike if need be.
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