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Old 03-04-2011, 02:22 AM   #38 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ashton P. Walker
First Year

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Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!]

Originally Posted by tonks2 View Post
Emmy wandered around, looking for her friends..
Aha! There's one! Young Mr Treyen Lockhart.
He wouldn't mind if she sat behind him, would he? Nope, thought not!
She walked past, mouthed a quick "Hi Treyen!", and plonked herself down at the desk behind.


Emmy seemed to be doing alright, no? Good. "Hey Emmy!" he said, giving the girl a smile, and hoping that she hadn't thought the same thing he did when he sat behind Sierra.

Originally Posted by Wenzlebug View Post
Cedric had arrived, a bit fashionably late as usual. Muggle Studies was always a class to attend. It was pretty interesting for it was about muggles and dealing with them. What's more? Muggles are muggles. That's to say: muggles are interesting.

"Good day, Professor Zook... ara," he greeted the man who was a little half-buried... by erm, whats-that-thing-under-that-blanket? A bit surprisingly, he decided not to bother ask what that thing was, his inquisitive expression fading deliberately. He looked across the room, spotting a certain Hufflepuff kid behind a certain Slytherin kid. Hmm.

Cedric walked toward Treyen and eased into the seat beside him. "Hey, Trey." And just in case Sierra would look over her shoulder, a broad, somewhat sheepish smile was waiting for her.

But, in all fairness, having a Prefect next to you was actually a very nice thing. Especially since it was the one he hadn't steal the badge from. Sigh. Where was Fletcher to help him do this? Er, Simon could help, no?

"Cedric, long time no see." He gave the seventh year a nod and a small smile, while his eyes focused on the badge, the shiny badge. Aslan would like it, right? Because it was shiny. And Nifflers were attracted to that, no?
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