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Old 03-03-2011, 05:43 PM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post 3 'How to Succeed' July dark performances tied in with Deathly Hallows II promotion

Rumours and stories have surfaced that a scuffle between Warner Bros and the producers of Daniel Radcliffe's musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying took place due to Dan's commitment to promote Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II in July, specifically the world premiere in London on July 7, 2011. The rumours stated that the production of the musical will shut down for up to five extra nights so Dan could do promotional work for Deathly Hallows: Part II, with a monetary transaction between the companies to compensate for the "dark" performances (no show those days); again, these are speculations without confirmation from either party. The official Twitter for the musical, H2SBway, updated Wednesday with the following:

The correct "dark" performance dates of @h2sbway will be Thurs, 7/7 @ 7pm; Fri, 7/8 @ 8pm & Sat, 7/9 @ 2pm
This means that Dan WILL be attending the world premiere in London on July 7th, as he has time off.

Telecharge, the official site from which to purchase Broadway theatre tickets, lists the timings mentioned in the Twitter post as those vacant from the July schedule, which can be seen here.

We have received confirmation from How to Succeed official reps that the three dates mentioned above are the ONLY dark performances for July 2011; the rest of the schedule for the musical will go as proceeded. Please use your judgment to assess when Dan will be promoting Deathly Hallows: Part II, as we have yet to receive more information regarding his press rounds in London and the U.S. (no city confirmed yet) outside the world premiere. Warner Bros. have just informed SnitchSeeker that nothing beyond the world premiere has been confirmed.

Tickets for How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, which has now begun previews and opens on March 27th, can be ordered at For special fan exclusives and discount tickets, head to the official fan page for the musical.
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