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Old 03-03-2011, 05:40 PM   #261 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Boys eat.

It's a very known fact. Then again, Arya eats more than he does, so perhaps the facts need a little tweaking.

Either way, Treyen was arriving at the Great Hall for the third time today, yes, for dinner. The boy was still very tired for helping Emmy getting down to the Hospital Wing and then into one of the rooms, that's why he was NOT at Quidditch and decided to have dinner instead. An early dinner, that is. It's not like Captain Lockhart had them on a strict diet or anything. As long as games were won, then she was a happy Melanie.

The first thing he did was pouring some hot chocolate into a cup, he wasn't feeling the pumpkin juice vibe.
Chandler entered the Great Hall in a rather quick pace whilst rubbing his stomach. The boy needed food and FAST before he died out of starvation. He quickly made his way to the Hufflepuff table and without even sitting down he grabbed an apple from a bowl and began chopping it without even noticing his surroundings. And before he knew it he had juice coming down his chin.


The Hufflepuff lifted his hand up and wiped the juice away. "Stupid apple." He said with a mutter and looked around for a napkin because he was NOT going to leave his chin and hand all STICKY! And this was when he saw Treyen. Sat down next to him pouring something what looked like hot chocolate. "Treyen, do you 'ave a napkin or something because...well...look at me." He frowned and looked at him. Hopefully he had a napkin otherwise he would be a unhappy Chandler. POUT.
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