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Old 03-03-2011, 10:17 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cass Sato-Rhodes
Second Year

Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
Once again, upon entering the Muggle Studies classroom you find Professor Zookara sitting at his desk, partly covered by what is on the desk: something rather long, almost human-sized, covered with a black blanket. Nothing to suggest what is under the blanket, though.

As you advance further into the room, Jeremy will probably smile at you, a rather excited glint in his hazel eyes. This is probably causing you either to feel excited about the upcoming lesson as well...or feel a little uneasy and consider leaving again.

Please do stay though.
Cass entered the room and noting the object on the desk thought about the last lesson and considered it it may be there, though having taking a muggle E.M.R. course over the last summer break he had an idea what it MIGHT be, but was not completely sure.

"Hello, Professor." he said as he found his normal desk in a class, in the back and in a corner. Taking out his parchment and a quill as well as the apple they were supposed to bring this time. He placed the golden-green apple on the front of his desk and got ready for class.
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