SS Featured Artist DA Poet Rupert is My Man! SS100 Triumphant Aethonan
Join Date: Jul 2004 Location: The Wicked House
Posts: 18,909
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ottery St. Catchpole Gryffindor Third Year | Its our House y'all! Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert Our house it has a crowd
There's always something happening
And it's usually quite loud
Our mum, she's so house-proud
Nothing ever slows her down
And a mess is not allowed
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
Something tells you that you've got to move away from it ~Our House by Madness The night ebbed like the tide. She knew well enough that staying by his side was a sort of betrayal of its own. Ottery needed that plant to make a cure, and yet she couldn't be parted from her lover. She sighed.
“The beauty of being at San Gilman is that it’s a monastery and that the monks here specialize in the curative arts.”
His voice like cold iron on her back startled her, but she hid it well. She scolded herself on dropping her guard in his presence. Just when had he entered the little room. Still she would not relinquish her gaze from her fallen love.
“Never mind that you’re all werewolves,” Madison said trying her hardest to disguise the concern in her heart with a mask of frigid indifference.
“Your boyfriend will be fine soon, the root should help guard against infection and Brother Rebus is an excellent surgeon.” The head werewolf was happy ever since the little vampire had been turned into a small pile of dust.
Freddy looked so weak and frail, his normally happy smiling face now pale and sweaty. She held his hand and he didn’t talk. All their assertions meant nothing to her, neither did dang well anything else if the boy she loved, the one who'd shown her how much there was worth living for, wasn't alive to share it with her.
"Shouldn't you be taking Ottery his cure?" the vampire asked.
"Since when are you so concerned with Ottery's welfare?" she snapped. Madison wanted to be alone with Freddy, then at least she could ... well not really. She didn't trust that they were not watching her every minute, listening for anything and being wolves it did not pay to let them scent fear or weakness at all.
"Its not Ottery I'm interested in, its thwarting Lord Dracula's plans and ... well you're hardly a valuable asset if your handler isn't alive, now are you?"
"Here I thought you were my handler now?" she said acidly.
"When you become a valuable asset then yes, well 'activate' you. But until then you're free to do as you choose. Go where you like--"
"And I'm supposed to trust you'll just drop Freddy in front of Hogwarts or something, completely himself and not tampered with? Not hypnotized or booby trapped? You had me kill a child--"
"He was 400 years old!"
"Anythign to keep you from soiling your hands."
"Anything to keep the truce! You wouldn't understand. You don't belong to a pack, your loyalty easily wavers. I've got to watch out for me and mine. And this stupid little war of yours is fixing to explode all over our territories and I'll lay down with whoever I have to to see that my pack make it out alive."
"I suppose so, if you didn't have your mutts around who would run around doing your dirty little tricks? Who would you bully around? You wouldn't have anyone to make you feel strong." Her wand was at his throat as his hands closed around her other wrist. He had crossed the room in the blink of an eye.
"Down boy," Madison whispered. The man turned away and walked out. Madison sighed. How the devil was she going to get out of this? Tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the time to worry about that right now she was still running ... still running ... she only hoped Ottery was still running as well. AN: I'm trying to write .. something is wrong with a writer who can't write ... LOL Still here y'all ... until the lights go out or we turn 'em out. LOL
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