Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" Yes, I am feeling better" Rex told Rowan. " I am glad Rene is back" Rex said to Rene. "What are you doing here on the Pathways?" Rex asked Rowan.
" Thanks for being nice to me" Rex told Jamie. " You are very understanding" Rex said to Jamie." Rene is back and I am feeling better now" Rex explained to Jamie.
Originally Posted by
"I was just out for a stroll, thinking. That's when I ran into first Jamie, then you. How about you? Out exploring?" she asked her friend.
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
"Actually, I was our here trying to take my mind od Rene at the time ,bur it sis not work" Rex explained to Rowan. " Nice that you and Jamie were here to help cheer me up" Rexx told Rowan. "So, I guess I could do "The SSroll" now" Rexx said to Rowan. Rex listened to music in his hwad and did " The Stroll" fance from the 50's. Rexx walks down the path with rhythm and turns around and around again and down the path.
Jamie just watched as Rowan and Rex went back and forth with one another. She began to walk down the path thinking they'd follow her because in all honesty she wanted them to. She didn't like standing still. Not one bit.