Hi! This is my first ff, and I'm so nervous! This character story is about Draco Malfoy, and his life behind the doors of Malfoy Manor. It gives a glimpse into his dysfunctional relationships with an abusive father and an over-indulgent mother; we can see how his family has molded him.
The story is set in Draco's (and trio, etc.) 6th year, but he's also beginning his training during school holidays to become a Death Eater. Draco is torn between his loyalty to his family and his growing unease at joining Voldemort's followers.
His choices become more difficult when Hermione Granger is kidnapped by snatchers and brought to Malfoy Manor. Draco's encounter with Hermione opens his eyes to just how dangerous the Dark side can be, and forces him to make the most difficult decision of his life: to continue in his family's footsteps or to risk his life by walking away from it all.
I hope you enjoy it and tell me what you think!
Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to the great J.K. Rowling, not me.
Chapter One: Always the Same 28 Dec.
Draco Malfoy was tired of it. Tired of listening to them fight downstairs; it was the same argument nearly every time.
“Stop babying that boy!” snapped Lucius. “Then stop bullying him!” shouted Narcissa.
“The boy is
soft. If he is to be prepared for the destiny that awaits him, he needs to be strong, unbreakable. And you are coddling him right into failure!”
“The boy, you say- that’s right, Lucius- he is still a
boy! Barely 16! I will not allow my son to be forced into a life that he’s not ready for. You push him too hard, you always have. And if you keep pushing, keep demanding too much of him, he’s going to break!”
“Exactly my point, Narcissa! He’ll break, but not because of me. It’s because
you’ve made him weak! You undermine my authority at every turn. I tell him no, you find a way to say yes. I demand perfection, and you tell him he doesn’t have to try that hard. I discipline him, and you clean him up”.
“Yes, let’s talk about your ‘discipline’. (“Oh, here we go again!” growled Lucius) You know how I feel about the way you treat him. Discipline does not involve making him practice spells 8 hours a day with no break, or berating him, or beating him. It does not involve slapping him across the face anytime you don’t like what he has to say. It does not involve drawing blood from your own son!”
“I will discipline him the way I see fit until he proves he no longer needs it”, Lucius spat. “He is a Malfoy, and he will live up to Malfoy standards. He will be raised high in the service of the Dark Lord, admired and envied by those who did not have the power to achieve what he will achieve. But he must be strong enough to wield that power, and I will make sure he is prepared for it. By
any means I feel are necessary”, he said coldly.
“Lucius, please! Listen to reason! If you-
Draco tuned them out, blasting the volume on the new Weird Sisters’ album.
They fight about me like I’m not even here, he thought.
Do they honestly think I can’t hear them? I’m so sick of this crap. He fired a well-aimed kick at his mahogany desk, cursing when he hurt his toe. He flopped onto the silk duvet on his bed, lying on his back with one arm bent over his eyes. He was getting a massive headache.
Try as he might, he couldn’t stop some of the images that invaded his mind- painful memories he wished he could forget. Like the time he was 5 and lied about breaking a vase in the house: his father had struck him hard with the back of his hand, his ring cutting open Draco’s lip; he cried when he saw the blood and ran to his mother. He could see that she was terribly angry, and at first he thought she was angry with him. “I’m-I’m s-s-sorry,” he stammered between sobs. She swept him into her arms and held him close while a house elf brought over a towel and some dittany to heal the cut. His mother stroked his soft, white-blonde hair and rocked him: “No, my darling- you haven’t done anything wrong at all. It’s okay now. Mummy will make it better, sweetheart. Let’s go out, shall we? You’ve been wanting that beginner’s potions kit- why don’t we go get it right now?” His mother always made things better.
Draco couldn’t count the times his father had hit him with that wretched cane of his. “Don’t touch that, Draco!” Whack. “What is the matter with you, boy?!” Whack. “Don’t be so stupid, Draco!” Whack. “Do it again and do it RIGHT!” Whack, whack. As the memories faded he realized he had curled up on the bed in a fetal position. Angrily he pushed himself off the bed-he wasn’t that little boy anymore. Why then in seven hells he wondered, after all his father had done, did he still try to please him?
Draco was pulled from his reverie by the sound of something breakable hitting the wall downstairs. “Which one of them’s throwing things this time?” he muttered to no one in particular. He sighed heavily and pressed his forehead to the cold glass of his windowpane. “To hell with this-I’m out of here.” He shoved the window open and donned his cloak. Grabbing his new Firebolt he climbed onto the windowsill, kicked off hard, and escaped into the night.
Chapter 2: Plans For the Night Chapter 3: Father's Orders Chapter 4: Aunt Bella Chapter 5: The First Training Chapter 6: Good Friends Chapter 7: The End of Term Chapter 8: Christmas Chapter 9: The Second Training Chapter 10: Growing Pains Chapter 11: The Trip to Diagon Alley Chapter 12: The Snatchers Chapter 13: A Mother's Worst Nightmare Chapter 14: Abducted Chapter 15: Malfoy Manor Chapter 16: Hermione Chapter 17: Interrogation Chapter 18: Fall From Grace Chapter 19: The Ministry of Magic Chapter 20: The Order of the Phoenix Chapter 21: Pride and Purpose Chapter 22: A Crack in the Wall Chapter 23: Turning Point Chapter 24: A Plan of Action Chapter 25: Taking a Stand Chapter 26: Aftermath Chapter 27: A Way Out Chapter 28: The Final Betrayal Chapter 29: Escape Chapter 30: The Road to Safety Chapter 31: Sanctuary Chapter 32: Actions and Reactions Chapter 33: Taking Sides Chapter 34: The Rise and Fall of Relationships Chapter 35: Teenage Troubles Chapter 36: The Rise and Fall of Relationships Part II Chapter 37: Repurcussions