Emily burst through the door to the Potions Laboratory, her hair flying back as she stormed through the dark room.
"Professor", she nodded by way of greeting as she continued walking passed Lafay to a spare work space.
Determined to take her mind off
She dumped her bag on the floor with a thud. Pausing for a moment she leant against the work bench to catch her breath. Her eyes were swolen, red and itchy from crying. Though the tears had long dried up.
Once she had composed herself, she set up one of the cauldrons from the shelf. She was about to engage herself with some serious potion making. She hastily withdrew her old, faded, dishevelled notebook from her bag and began to flick through it feverishly.The note she had just recieved from her mother fell out of her bag and onto the floor, though Emily didn't take any notice.
She needed something... with lots to do... she wasn't too concerned with what the potion was used for. It was merely a distraction for her.
She suddenly stopped on a page, it had a coffee cup ring stained onto the page, not that it mattered it was only her personal notes.
The ingredient list was reasonably long, which pleased her, and the instructions appeared to be just as lengthy. Emily turned her attention to the top of the page.
Elixer to Induce Euphoria.
Perfect that is just what she needed.
Emily took out her potions kit, and searched for all the ingredients, perhaps she would need to get some items form the potions storeroom.
Right so.... water and fluxweed oil she had....vervain root she had....bloodroot she had.
Mental note: stock up on blood root.
Calendula pollen she had..... asphodel root.... she didn't have. That was strange.
Mental note: stock up on asphodel root.
She would have to go to the storeroom for that.
Hyacinth flower, lovage leaf, check check.... bouncing bulb, check.
Sprig of peppermint.... she had some in her dorm, but none in her potions kit... hopefully the storeroom had some.
"A live frog?"... she murmered to herself.
"I'll transfigure one"... she answered herself.
Billywig sting, check.... alihotsy leaf, check.... glumbumble fluid she would need from the storeroom, and lasty wahoo bark, check.
Suddenly motivated with a clear sense of purpose Emily jotted down the items she would need to retrieve before starting her potion. She liked to be organised.
1 dried Asphodel root
sprig of Peppermint
a live frog- transfigure?