♥♡ The Basics ♡♥ Name: Coraline Jane Riddle
Nicknames: Beautiful Girl, Cora
Heritage: Pureblood
Age: 12
DOB: 21st of February
House: Ravenclaw
Year: First year
Ambition: World Traveler
Boggart: Lord Voldemort
Patronus: To young to even know what it is
Relationship status: dating Lachlen Thomas
Wand: 11.8 inches of nice Oak wood and a snidget feather for the core
Favorite subjects: CoMC and Muggle Studies
Least favorite subjects: Potions
♥♡ Appearance ♡♥ i. Hair color: Blonde
ii. Eye color: Blue
iii. Height: VERY tall, she is tall for her age
iv. Weight: Normal, of course
v. Other physical features: She has a scar on the left side of her neck, which she does not like to speak about, not only that but her eyes are very bright, and her hair is normally tied up, due to the fact she does not like it out.
♥♡ Interesting Facts ♡♥
-One day she wants to travel the world with her true love
-She has a huge fear of Lord Voldemort, related to him or not
-She is terrible on a broom, even if you paid her 100 galleons to get on a broom, she still wouldn't
-Not interested in boys, but for some reason she now has a boyfriend
-Her hieght is not normal, she is much to tall for her age
-She loves animals, no question about it, and animals love her too
-She believes in the Tom Riddle ghost, blame her brother
♥♡ Family ♡♥ Mother: Renee Riddle
Father: Tyler Riddle
Brothers: James, Brodie, Connor and Riley
Sisters: Erin, Madison, Ashley, Angel, Harper and Mary
Pets: Misty the cat
Family info: Coraline hates her brothers and mother, they are mean to her and don't care about her feelings, she doesn't mind her sisters, but like her brothers and mother, they only like Purebloods, but Coraline is different from them. All of them so far have been in Slytherin expect Coraline who is the first in Ravenclaw. Also her parents have been separated, and Coraline is sad about that, she loved her father and she hasn't seen him since.
♥♡ Likes ♡♥
-Lachlen Thomas<3
-Her father
-Animals and magical creatures
-Glitter and sparkles
-The color pink an blue
♥♡ Dislikes ♡♥
-Her mother and siblings
-People who dislike people who are not Purebloods
-Lord Voldemort
-Darkness & quietness
-Scary stories
♥♡ Personality ♡♥
Naive and shy, sweet and kind, those are a few words that can describe Coraline. She has good manners and likes to joke around with her friends. She is a smart & clever girl for her age. She doesn't care much for boys, but somehow she got a boyfriend, and she loves him. She believes in the Tom Riddle Ghost which her brothers made up just to scare her, and she still believes it now.
--edit more soon-- ♥♡ Background ♡♥ --will edit soon--