Originally Posted by
DH Vixen
Hearing the sound of the entering students, she looked up and smiled. Happy, be it slightly sleepy, students were usually a good sign.
"Yes, storytime today." she laughed softly. It was clear that she wasn't alone in enjoying a good story from time to time. Setting the book down carefully, she nodded. "Treats will be passed out later. Once everyone has arrived and the lesson is under way."
"Everyone please get comfy. We will wait for the others before we start so take a load off and if you want lay down."
But...ugh.. Didn't she understand that she'd have to SHARE once everyone got here? If she gave them out
now however, she'd only have to share with a FEW people. Meaning, Ellie'd get A LOT. Yumm.
But still...there were treats involved, so you couldn't complain much.
"What ARE we reading?" It totally looked like Beedle's book. Fountain of Fair Fortune for the win!