Predatory Professors at Work?
Hello students of Hogwarts, we meet once again. Enjoying your lessons? I know I am, but is there a reason that we should learn to tread lightly in the classroom? Apparently so, not only is the Magical World filled with dangerous plants, animals and strangers it has come to the attention of this god that the Professors at Hogwarts are adding YOU to their lists of prey. What am I talking about you may ask, well haven’t you all noticed the signs? The displeasure and attitudes when you talk out of turn in class or show up late, the dangerous lessons whatever shall you transfigure your rubbish into?, and the evil glares in the halls and baring of teeth Lafay. You all may not see it but there are some of us that do.
Two prime examples of this newly exciting game of ‘Lure the Students into our Traps’ have been played by two of Hogwarts lady Professors, Professor Saylen, code name Mexican Fire-cracker and Professor Bishop aka Battle Star Hogwarts. You all attended these lessons and didn’t even notice the warning and caution signs! First of all Care of Magical creatures started with a release/permission form (that’s not sinister at all) and then the students were all whisked away to a giant house of Muggles to be stared at and chomped on by the ‘dead’ dinosaurs. I didn’t buy her, “It’s just an electronic model” nonsense, I saw it’s TEETH!
And in Divination you were taken to the grounds where the new Groundskeeper, Mr. Stryker, who has been known to host ‘killer’ paint fights, resides. (That stuff could land in someone’s eye!) As I was saying, Professor Bishop took you to the Grounds and then set things on fire! Any sane student would feel the human need to back away from the flames *cough Get away from the fire Lexi Denver, Evelyn Shepard and Mia Gibbins you crazies! cough*. When she is not tempting the students to jump head first into the fire the Professor nonchalantly noms on marshmellows. Dun dun dunnn!
Watch yourselves, and keep an eye for other classroom warning signs!
As ALWAYS. No offence is meant. This is IC and simply for fun.