HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED "James, I think we should stop" Lily said as she pulled away, releasing the now slightly wrinkled sweater out of her hands. "For now, I don't want us to get in trouble." Cat couldn't take her eyes off of the scene - it was like a nightmare her eyes would move back. "Dear god, tell them to stop." Gin looked up to Sirius, smiling as he nervously ran a hand through his hair - and the way he said it was sort of a way of asking her out. She chuckled softly, smiling as she heard his question.
Will you be my girlfriend - now who in their right mind would turn down Sirius Black? She still right now even though she knew the answer couldn't make her mouth say the words. She was in shock, joyful shock. After a slight sigh she leaned in and kissed him pulling away before he could respond she spoke "Does that answer your question? And if it doesn't then the simple yes probably would suffice. So Yes, Sirius I will."
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |