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Yeah, Selena was very annoying and it was getting to him. Why did he even talk to a thirteen year old again? Oh yeah, because she actually 'liked' talking to him.
"Well I'm not going to tell you, you'll just have to figure it out by yourself." He stated. Yeah, like he was going to waste his time defining the word, gullible. Psh. He waited for her to say that she was his friend or something close to that and it didn't seem that she was going to get it out. "Oh, I can't hear you, Sel. What did you say?" He asked leaning closer to her to hear. "If you don't speak up, I'm going to have to take the chocolate frog away from you..." He said with an evil smirk upon his face. Would he do it? Nah, he wasn't going to put his hands on that wretched chocolate of hers. Yuck.
Sebastian looked over to what Selena called, 'that ballie thingy' and laughed. "Uh, sure. Are you good at sports?" He asked, curious as to if she was or not. Wait a second. "Oh no, I shouldn't have asked that. You have no knowledge of playing sports, now do you?" He teased. Why exactly was his evil-ness coming out today?
Selena frowned.
"Stop stealing my smirk, it's my smirk," Selena said poking him. Pffft. It was totally her smirk. He wasn't even a Slytherin, so he wasn't allowed to smirk. That seemed perfect reasonable to her. Besides... he was totally stealing her smirk.
She didn't want to figure it out! No, she was going to get Emma to figure it out. Mmmhmm. Later.
"Fine, I will," she said, sticking her tongue out at him. Hmph. She knew he wasn't so nice as to defining a word for her. Eeeeehhh... Selena leaned away from him as he leaned closer.
"Iiiiiiii...." she started again.
He was threatening to steal her chocolate. Pffft. See, he wasn't that nice. She knew it.
"I..." she started once more.
"I'myourfriend," she muttered quietly. Selena grimaced. Grrr... he was such a meanie.
"You're evil," she said, as she shoved the rest of the chocolate frog into her mouth. A completely big fat meanie. Mmmhmmm.
Why was he laughing at her? What did she do?
"I don't know, I never played," Selena said shrugging her shoulders. Pffft. How was she supposed to know? GASP. How did he know? Selena stuck out her tongue at him yet again.
"In my defense..." she started.
"Yeah, I don't have a good excuse," she sighed.
"BUT! They're kicking stuff, and I am very good at kicking stuff, do you want me to show you?" she asked with a smirk. She could totally kick him instead. But that would hurt...