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Old 02-25-2011, 07:08 PM   #18 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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SPOILER!!: Sal!vomit
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander felt himself being squeezed from all sides and being sucked in, spinning out of control before landing squarely on his feet. For a second he thought they had portkeyed somewhere except that he doesnt recall ever touching an object neither did it feel like the usual sensation of traveling by portkey, which he knew well. Then he felt something, first a flip flop in his stomach, followed by a distasteful, sour something riding up his gullet Oh no! Oh no!...

His breakfast was trying to make a reappearance.

Being FULLY AWARE that Lexi was right beside him he let her hand go and clapped his over his mouth and went running for-- anywhere really.

Yeah the corner dumpster just got to see what he had for breakfast.

Breathing heavily he trodden back to his spot, just as the Professor was telling them to follow her. He grabbed the end of his tie and pressed it against his mouth, trying to get his stomach to settle down.

As they rounded the corner he looked up at the impressive structure, and would let his mouth gape open if not for trying to make sure nothing else comes out of it. They entered the museum and his eyes settles on the giant skeletal creature.

Huh...."Hey its a dino.... unless we're looking at an example of a breach of a certain statute."

Ewww. EWWW EWWWW EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Lexi hated travelling like that! HATED it. As soon as she got her bearings about herself she was SO going to glare at a certain professor. GLARE I SAY.

Leaning over as Salander went to toss his cookies in a dumpster or somefink she began to breathe in slowly through her nose and out her mouth. Grrrrr. Blinking several times she finally stood upright to see Salander with his tie shoved in his mouth or something like that. Hehe. Funny stuff.

Smirking slightly she looked around... and then up... and then WHOA. Her mouth fell agape and she tilted her head to one side. WHAT WAS THAT THING? I mean... there was a skeleton of a thestral... somewhere, but this thing was HUGE.

"Uh... it's a bunch of bones?" Lexi asked!said with her hand slightly raised. Wait... what was Sal on about? Leaning over she whispered in his ear, "What's a dino? What... I am SO confused." She grabbed for his tie free hand a bit frantically. What if she said or did something... witchish? EEP! Muggle places frightened Lexi.
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