Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Care of Magical Creatures lesson #2; Aswell as the usual classroom rules, these should also be followed:
- Respect the people around you
- Do not cause a commotion
- Absolutely No magic will be allowed
- Absolutely no accidental magic will be allowed
- Do not, for a second, think that you can walk off by yourself unless permitted to
- No loud talking about Magic infront of others than the class
- Listen to Professor Saylen at all times
- Do not ruin your fellow classmates' experience in this lesson by behaving like a turtle on wheels.
I, the undersigned, hereby vow to follow the rules set up by Professor Maya Saylen for this Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Any breaking of said rules on my part could lead to detention, all my points being taken, and whatever other punishment Professor Saylen deems appropriate.
I understand that these rules are not set by Professor Saylen because she likes to repeatedly see her own handwriting on a piece of parchment, but presented for my own safety and concern. Not only do I have to act appropriate in this lesson, but also act appropriate to those around me, and respect them.
Signed, Neptune June Bott, in 6th year, from Ravenclaw House.
Neptune signed, but she OBVIOUSLY had a few issues with them document. For one, her brother ALWAYS preached about signing things when he hadn't looked over them. And the other.... "If it's accidental, then it's beyond control anyway." Not that Neptune was planning on having an accident...
...but they had Jacob the Quidditch Captain and Walking/Talking Accidental Wonder. If they lost house points because of an accident... Hmph. |