Maya was sitting on one of those log-benches, her lips pursed and arms as crossed as her legs. She almost looked angry, but fear not, she is merely scrutinizing all of the students who pass by the desk she put up in the middle of the Care of Magical Creatures area.
On this table, there was a piece of parchment, a quill in ink ready to be used right by its side. This said parchment is magical ofcourse, and whenever the ink touches the surface it dissapears. But, again, not to worry, whatever you wrote will be recorded for all time...
*insert smirky smiley here*
Sign your info on the parchment, when you've read the rules and understood them, and wait for your classmates to do the same. After that, the class will begin.
So what does this parchment say, ey?
Originally Posted by Parchment
Care of Magical Creatures lesson #2; Aswell as the usual classroom rules, these should also be followed:
- Respect the people around you
- Do not cause a commotion
- Absolutely No magic will be allowed
- Absolutely no accidental magic will be allowed
- Do not, for a second, think that you can walk off by yourself unless permitted to
- No loud talking about Magic infront of others than the class
- Listen to Professor Saylen at all times
- Do not ruin your fellow classmates' experience in this lesson by behaving like a turtle on wheels.
I, the undersigned, hereby vow to follow the rules set up by Professor Maya Saylen for this Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Any breaking of said rules on my part could lead to detention, all my points being taken, and whatever other punishment Professor Saylen deems appropriate.
I understand that these rules are not set by Professor Saylen because she likes to repeatedly see her own handwriting on a piece of parchment, but presented for my own safety and concern. Not only do I have to act appropriate in this lesson, but also act appropriate to those around me, and respect them.
Signed, ___(character name)___, in ___(1st to 7th)__ year, from ___(character house)___ House.
OOC: By having your character sign this, You also agree Out of Character that you will not let your character do any of these things;
Reveal him/herself as a wizard to anyone outside class
Practice any spells whatsoever
Play out that anything no longer living has come back to life
In actions, behave in any way different than a muggle – alot of talking about Magic is okay, writing spells on the wall and other magical actions is not okay.
Please respect eachother.
Having your character accidentally transform his/her self into his/her animagi form infront of a muggle is not only breaking every magical rule, but disrespectful as you are restricting your fellow student Role Play freely without any trouble. This would no doubt force everyone to return to school, to avoid finding themselves the main attraction in a Witchhunt.
IF I see any of this, or anything alike, happening during this lesson, I will either delete your post, or edit out your disrespectfulness – to avoid anyone feeling forced to play out on the actions. And believe me you will be recieving a Private Message from me too.
Other than that, I do hope you enjoy this class!
Have your character sing the parchment, and then wait. Class will begin soon.
.................................................. .............. Current Class Progress: (bottom newest) Arrival at Museum Main Entrance First question