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Selina was mid fixing her bristles on her broom when she heard Kurumi talk to her. She asked something about an order of how to do things. But Selina was so intune with her broom that she was only half listening. She wanted to ask her to repeat the question, but Kurumi was looking at her awaiting an answer to her question. So she searched for an answer to the question which was unclear to her. After a moment of thinking about the relation of the words she understood what Kurumi was asking.
"Oh, an order? Well I would trim the bristles on the head first. The twig part of the broom. Only because the other steps are more of a cleaning part. If you do that then cut the bristles then the bristles will get all over the shaft and the foot rest and you would have to do it all over again."
Only then did she notice how tense Kurumi was, "Kurumi? Maybe you should, um, watch those clippers. They are a bit sharp. You may cut yourself." Selina knew better than anyone what a little bit of nerves can do in a class of uncertainty. Ask Lafay, Selina was a timebomb in everyone of her classes.
Hearing Selina’s words, Kurumi set the clippers down on the table rather forcefully and looked back and forth nervously between the sliver things and the end of her broom. “Clip the twigs, right,” she said nodding her head and trying to give off a confident aura. Just how much clipping did a broom need? Was there a shape you were supposed to clip the twigs into? Or was it more like trimming your hair to remove split ends?
Looking around at everyone else, Kurumi decide to just trim things a little. Better to not do enough than to do too much and ruin the broom, right?
Picking up the scissors again with her hands trembling a bit, she got ready to trim one of the twigs.
Kurumi’s eyes grew wide. “
OH NO!” she shrieked frozen in place. From the look on her face, one probably would have thought that she had cut off a finger or her entire hand. “
I accidentally cut into the sleeve of my robes…”
She set the scissors down and looked at her sleeve that now had a definite cut in it. Sighing, she rolled up her sleeves and continued to snip until she had got all the frayed twigs and had a small pile of wood chips on her table. Phew, she still had her hands and she could mend her robe after class.
So…now I should polish?” she asked looking at the container and wondering if she was supposed to use her fingers or not.