9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev
When Lafay snapped at him to SHUT UP just like the Librarian Lady had done before, this time Josh could not hold the sarcastic snicker escaping his mouth. ''For your information, professor, i am sixteen'' then the boy began, quite unlike the Potions Mistress, looking calm and confident ''And yes, there’s no way i can deny the fact that my experience at anything cannot be compared to yours in any way'' Maybe except fighting wandless, fist to fist, shoulder to shoulder but mentioning that, now, was not really necessary. ''But i don’t think it means that you are capable of seeing what i know or what i do not know, don’t you think so? Unless, of course, you have a great power of being able to read the information in others’ brains.'' ''I know what you want. You want me to answer this question the way you would like to hear it. Like that: ‘oh i have been the greatest idiot throwing cauldrons at my friends during classes and losing those very precious points just because i am a jerk who cannot hold his temper or cannot keep his fists to himself' '' stopping for a moment the Gryffindor boy laughed for a short time then went on ''This and nothing else. Other than this i must shut up. But this statement is not true. No man with a right mind would do those for nothing. If you can, for once, bring two neurones together and think, you might be able to figure this fact. Also, i don’t think you have the right to order me to shut up because; as Uncle Ryan says, he is an ex-Auror, even the most bloodthirsty criminal has the right to speak as much as he wants and defend himself. But, ah, look at this! I am only a boy who got detention for acting inappropriately during a class and you hate me as if it was me who slaughtered your dead mates''
Looking at the two women with narrowed brown eyes, Josh kept breathing heavily since it was getting harder and harder to breathe in the tube because of the unbearable smell and increasing heat. Heat, he could deal with but that smell. Ugh. Looking away for a moment, he spat again because there was also a horrible taste in his mouth before he opened his mouth to speak again with a way softer and calmer but cold tone this time ''I lost a loved one, too. Maybe not that kind of a loved one. But still a loved one. She was my sister and…'' yet he stopped when he realised that the semi-liquid sewage that his legs were buried in to the knees was getting hotter and hotter. It was even boiling. Boiling. So, the Gryffindor fixed his eyes on the boiling bubbles for a couple of minutes before looking up at the women with a bitter and fake half smile ''Now this is serious. It’s getting too hot here. I already took off most of my clothes for that matter. You don’t want me to take off my pants, do you?'' Of course, after this he needed not to comment on the words of his head of house stating she did not need his love. Meh. Everyone needed his love. They just liked to deny it all the time.
__________________ Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. |