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"Most people haven't," Renée said with a smile, as Kurumi stated that she'd never seen a phoenix up close before. It was true. She couldn't even really say everyone who knew her had seen one up close, as she was generally pretty careful who she exposed Anastasia to. It was hard to avoid here at Hogwarts though, as everyone who visited her office would be exposed to her phoenix unless she was out hunting. "I'd imagine she appreciates the compliment," she added, paying attention to the poor kitty as it looked rather uncomfortable. "I'm not so sure your cat appreciates the compliment, though."
She laughed as the cat then became the topic of conversation, if it could be said there was a conversation going on with Anastasia. She was fairly certain the phoenix understood everything, but responses weren't exactly given. And as Walnut went over and curled up on yet another of her chairs, the laughter continued a bit longer. "It seems Walnut has a connection to my furniture, it seems," she observed, before it seemed the kitty was being left behind again for the newness of the phoenix. She kept an eye on the Gryffindor as she stepped closer, not exactly because she was afraid Anastasia would do anything but more to check to see if the girl really was going to be careful. "They do, and that's very true. Phoenixes aren't quite as simple to domesticate as, say, owls are. or any other bird that is commonly made into pets. There has to be a level of respect, on both sides. The phoenix and the caretaker." She wouldn't exactly call herself an owner. She nodded as she was asked about the domesticating issue, however. She didn't go into the details, as she had with Jared though. She wasn't as sure how Kurumi would take knowing Anastasia had been abused before she'd come along.
Kurumi looked over her shoulder at Walnut, who was not half asleep and purring on the chair. "
Perhaps it is because they are more comfortable than the chairs in the common room," Kurumi mused shaking her head at the feline. "
Walnut seems to handle change and new things much better than I do." Kurumi didn't realize the weight of those words until they had escaped her lips. It wasn't so much that she was uncomfortable with change, it was more she was uncomfortable with the concept of being different. Of standing out in a crowd when everyone else seemed to blend in or fit into place. "
He seems to be much more...comfortable..."
Kurumi then turned her gaze back to the phoenix and met the crimson bird's black eyes with her own violet ones. "
I've read that they are extremely loyal, phoenixes," Kurumi said smiling at the bird and very much wishing to reach out and touch it, but feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure if Anastasia would like that. "
Only choosing one, caretaker," Kurumi blushed. "
In Japan, they are seen as a symbol of royalty. Associated with the imperial household, particularily the empress...so they can also mean the birth of a new leader," she turned and smiled at Professor Bishop. Perhaps this was the sort of sign she had been asking the tarot cards in class for? "
Professor, can I ask you something? Have you ever felt...different? Like perhaps there was something...wrong with you?" She continued to look at the phoenix. She found herself a bit envious that they could be reborn; be given another chance at their lives.