Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Sierra narrowed her eyes at the boy. She was only eleven-years-old, for Merlin's sake! What did he expect her to have done--written a Potions textbook by now, or something?! She didn't respond to his first comment but just shrugged it off to focus on their next order of business.
"Right," she said, nodding in agreement to leaving off the sneezewort, scurvy grass, and lovage. "...not unless we want to help their illness progress even further." Which they didn't, of course. She jotted down jobberknoll feathers and mandrake roots then remained quiet for a few seconds as she scratched a few of her own notes on their parchment.
"Okay, I'm adding in ground scarab beetle, ginger root--cut up, and armadillo bile," she said, glancing up from her note-taking. Why were they acting so serious about this, anyway? Sure, they were discussing a possible cure to Alzheimer's here, but...she almost felt like cracking a joke just to remind the two of them that they were still just kids sitting in their school's potions lab.
He failed to notice that narrowing of the eyes she made. Good thing he did, or else he'll be narrowing his as well. Slytherins.
But since he didn't notice, then it was all fine. And she was agreeing with him. Well, of course she was agreeing with him, those were key ingredients for a Confusing Concoction, and they didn't want that, right? He...actually chuckled after she spoke and then shook his head,
"I'm sorry, Alzheimer's not meant to be funny, but it sort of occurred to me...," he started to say,
"...that perhaps, and this may be pushing it a little, those ingredients could have an opposite effect on those who are sort of confused already, I mean...the ones that are in the final stages of Alzheimer," the ones that had nothing to lose with any treatment. Nor loved ones to miss them.
"Wit-Sharpening," he said, after listening to her ingredients, yes, he had those too,
"Yes, those too," and after nodding in agreement he added something else,
"And, well, aconite helps with the dementia part in Wolfsbane Potion, so, perhaps that could be added at the last stages of the potion," to help people keep a more focused mind assuming the potion would work.
"We'll be needing something to deal with 'change', since the person's mind will be changing from one state to another," maybe fluxweed could help. But he always had problems with those ingredients.
"You said your sister is a Potions Mistress, right? Did you receive any tutoring by her?" he asked, with a smile, because for a first year she was very knowledgeable.