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Old 02-21-2011, 01:41 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Man Eating Plant Loose in Hogwarts!

Too long has it been since I have seen new saplings reaching for the moon’s light in the evening and basking in the warm sun in the daylight. Yes, dear moonchildren, there have been more whispers in the night about a certain Hogwarts Professor who has gone missing. You may have seen their brief appearance at the opening feast, but Professor Mugwort has been nowhere to be seen since then. To continue down this mysterious train of thought, Headmaster Tate has even posted a notice saying that the Professor’s office has been closed until further notice. Where has the new Herbology Professor gone?

Some sources say that the new Professor was too intimidated by the increase in security here at Hogwarts. Perhaps this theory comes from that strange plant he was last seen with. Perhaps the Ministry of Magic would not have approved of his pet? Perhaps the plant swallowed the poor Professor whole and has now been planted in the Student Garden?

Other sources say that he was knocked out while he was harvesting some young mandrakes to later be used by Professor Lafay for her potions. If this were so, he would only have been knocked out for a few hours and therefore able to return to his duties as the Herbology Professor. Perhaps there is some truth in the theory of his plant swallowing him whole? Or, is there something more sinister at work? Some have whispered that perhaps someone used a full grown mandrake’s cry on the poor unsuspecting Professor while he was cleaning some rather large pots to be used during his first lesson. Upon hearing the cry, which is fatal to human ears, the light left the professor and then his plant swallowed him.

There is one more theory, although this doesn’t seem as likely as his plant eating him, that the Professor accidentally ingested too many Alihotsy leaves and turned hysteric beyond the point of the schools renowned Healer to fix. And then his plant swallowed him Upon finding the Professor in his greenhouse devouring leaf after leaf like a starving horse, he was then taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries until further notice and his plant followed him there and ate him.

I think, dear moonchildren, the real mystery here is where has this plant gone and who is its next victim? Be wary as you walk the grounds and enjoy the coming of spring for you never know when it may be your last.

It’s all moonshine,
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