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Old 02-20-2011, 03:36 PM   #387 (permalink)
Jake_Lockley8672's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jamie Smithson
Fourth Year

Originally Posted by WillowSeawinds View Post
"Do you mean me? I don't know what you are talking about," she teased.
Jamie stuck her tongue out at her sister and laughed. "Well do you have any plans later?"

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" You are right, I saw you play the other day against RavenClaw" Rex told Selina. " I just wanted to make some cinvestaion" Rex said to Swlina." I would have loved to play for Gryffindor except that my shoulder just healed from an accident two terms ago" Rex exp;ained to Selina.

' Sure, I will teach you the Tango when you are ready" Rex told Rowan." I should go and meet your friends from RavenClaw at your table" Rex said to Rowan." You tell me where you want to learn yoru new dance" Rex explained to Rowan.

" We will meet wherever you want" Rex told Jamie." Better believe it will be the world's greatest party" Rex said to Jamie." Dance floor is a great idea" Rex explained to Jamie.

" I am sure you will be really good at ice skating" Rex told Nika. " I used to play football for my school in Sweetwater, Texas" Rex said to Nika. " You should practice soccer, too if you really like that sport" Rex encouraged her.

" I know you worried and I appreciate it" Rex told Fee." It is going to be RavenClaw vs, HufflePuff for the championship" Rex said to Fee." I will be rooting hard for HufflePuff" Rex smiled." I am not obnoxious, but you are a breat' Rex teased Fee." You forgot to glitter me" Rex laughed.
"Meet up later on today outside of the RoR and we can start the decorating process," Jamie said smiling.

Rowan Firestorm-Smithson l Jamie Smithson l Sisters Until The End

Whenever you need, you can call on me Cause you are my sister
Oh my sister You're my best friend
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