Poor Little She Snake
Recent buzz about the supposed PERFECT relationship of one little Slytherin… girl and the lovely Ravenclaw Seeker seem to be falling apart at the seams. Looks like Little Miss I Am Better Than You Are Marie Salazar has become the latest victim of Mr. James Wilkes. She should have asked me for advice. I would have told her she was being foolish. Although, it does seem the tragic little girl has very terrible luck in the love department anyway. Poor, poor dear.
Pfffft. She is about as friendly as a fire crab and wonders why things don’t work out for her… Get a clue, honey. And that is not even the worst of the situation. Mr. Wilkes seems to have been going about flirting RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER FACE and she did nothing. I mean, any self respecting female would stand up for herself. Hmmm what does that say about Miss Salazar?
He was seen CLEARLY putting “the moves” on Miss Satine Farris in the library and then the epic Runes class… explosion involving he and Neptune Bott… Seriously, Marie. Are you blind? He clearly is not interested in you anymore and is trying his hardest to get away. Open those pretty little eyes and see it for yourself. He was even seen making EYES at a Gryffindor blonde in the same Runes class. The boy is a serial flirt and you think that you can tame him. Oh dear, that is tragic thinking. Hope your black heart is ready to be blackened a bit more, because James Wilkes will surely leave you looking like a fool. Moreso than you do as is. Poor dear.
Hogwartians, please keep your eyes open, there will be MUCH more to come in the near future.
Yours very insincerely, Nemesis As ALWAYS, this is IC. Nothing personal. No offence meant.
Last edited by Aparecium; 02-19-2011 at 06:51 AM.