Fiercely Flirtatious | ILY T&E ♥ | SUPER MOM!!! | *liebkost*
Kimber watched in awe as the gunk fell down around him. "Eww!" she muttered. "Did that just drop in his mouth?!" she giggled; her mouth covered by her hand so only Hecate would see or hear. "A lesson perhaps on keeping that ever-loving mouth of yours closed, huh, Carter?" If word of this got around, not a single girl at Hogwarts would be crazy enough to kiss him. He'd be known the world over as Josh Carter, the Potty Mouth. Heh.
The fun ran out for her shortly after when she heard Josh actually SCREAM at them. Had he lost his mind?!? "I am not a fan of your tone," Kimber said. "Flobberdung," she squeaked, holding back a giggle. The stinky liquid cascaded down his head again, this time burying him to his knees.
Last edited by Liisa; 02-19-2011 at 05:06 AM.