The potions classroom was dark, dank, dusty, and unfathomably silent. Not a shard of light made itself known. Not even the jars that lined the walls on tall shelves, that often glowed, were luminescent. The air was stale and thick, yet cold. Suddenly, the door was opened, squeaking on it's ancient hinges. Snape stood in the doorway, peering into the darkness. Then, with one flick of his wand, the few torches burst to life, the collected dust making the flames flare up violently as spiderwebs burned away.
Snape strode into the classroom, passing between the dust-covered desks, and to his own mahogany desk. He peered down at it, although it was completely undisturbed. Turning from it, he circled the lab tables, but there was no sign of any disturbance at all. He pursed his lips, mentally scolding himself for the foolish thought, then swept from the room and out of the dungeons.
The castle was quite empty. And silent. One could see the tiny dust motes swirling through shafts of light streaming through open windows. The shuffling and clicking of his own footsteps echoed softly around corners and into the curved ceilings. He ascended the staircases, then had a thought. He shuffled along the fourth floor, slowing now, and quietly opened the doors of the library. The smell of parchment and polished wood wafted out of the room. He stood in the doorway a moment, blinking with a vacant expression.
His gaze was focused on one of the long tables, where sat someone with their back to the door, hardly moving at all. There was silence for a few moments.
"Hello, Severus."
The old man turned, smiling over his half-moon glasses, then stood to greet his friend. Snape took a few steps forward. Dumbledore stopped a few feet away, remembering how Snape had leaned away slightly the last time he was embraced. Dumbledore's smile faded slightly, somehow able to read the potion master's blank facade.
"What troubles you, Severus?"
Snape sighed silently, and his fingers twitched at his side a bit.
"I think... I may have a problem. My...
brother--" he loathed to say the word "--has gotten himself into a bit of trouble. And he's dragged me into it."
Silence again.
"And I need your advice," Snape finished, avoiding using the word 'help'. Dumbledore's smile twisted back and he nodded, prompting Severus to continue.
I know I'm teasing you guys, but that's just how I write

When term starts--probably the next post--it starts coming together... Can't wait to wtire some moooore!