Originally Posted by
iluvtowrite "That sounds good," Ava Jade replied, rubbing her hands together to create some friction to warm them. "It's freezing!" She breathed her hot breath on them as they skated around the rink, the breeze teasing their hair. Though the wind wasn't too rough, the icy chill of the air was plenty enough to make Ava Jade's teeth chatter. To get her mind off of the cold -- and to keep her jaw from freezing, of course -- she asked Caroline, "So you play Quidditch then?"
Caroline nodded
"Yea, but mostly just with my brother and sometimes my sister" it was mostly her brother that is who she usually plays with. Her sister to much of a brat to play quidditch. She lead Ava Jade to the edge of the lake.
"Do you play?or have siblings? she turned around asking her the questions.