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Old 02-17-2011, 02:31 AM   #2 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default This is a work in progress!

{Photo to come! Played by Joel McHale}

Name: Patrick McAllister
Age: Thirty Nine.
Place of residence: Enniskerry, County Wicklow, Ireland
Half Blood
Wand: 12", Bloodwood, Mermaid Scale, Pliable

Text Cut: Previous Charrie- Tam Scam

Ministry Advisor; Minister of Magic's Office
Model: Lisa Edelstein


Tamara Winickus Scamander
Fashion Forward. Fierce. Determined. MOTHER.

My name is Tamara Winickus Scamander
You can call me either Tamara or Tam
I am a mother to three very difficult children
My parents are were Pureblood
I was born in a place where people live
I currently live in Surrey
My birthday is on a day in a month in the year. A woman never tells her age, though.
I'm the current Ministry Advisor.
You can see that I am a Female.
You could say I ran with a rather QUESTIONABLE group of men for a while in my life. My husband being one of those men.
My wand is 10 3/4", Birch, Drangon Heartstring, Unyielding.
My patronus is a

+Hair: Black (subject to change with mood)
+Eyes: Blue
+General appearance:


I'm fairly fond of
But I do not care for

My family is a bit crazy
+The Husband: Though many years estranged, his name is Jonah Scamander
+The Kids: Lucian, Deidra, and Dale Scamander
+The Parents: deceased
+The Boyfriend: Well... that is a story for another time
+Pets: None to speak of, though the kids have a few


Credit to Ashlie aka Hermione_loves_Ron for the template coding.

Text Cut: previous character, Damien Jackson

Name: Damien Jayden Jackson
Division: Auror and Hit Wizard
Job Title: Head Auror
D.O.B: 27 September 2033
Physical Description: 6'0", 185 lbs., brown hair (w/some peppered gray throughout), brown eyes. Tattoos spread about his chest and arms, but he tends to keep them hidden. The most often visible is the sparrow on his left arm with the name Jack beneath and if you look close enough the tattoo on his right hand, index finger. Many scars about his chest, arms, and back as well as one on his left thigh from a gouging hex.
Wands: 13" Bloodwood and Sphinx claw, Unyielding Secondary Wand: 12 1/2 " Black Poisonwood, Basilisk fang. Quite sturdy
Boggart: Someone hurting those he loves
Patronus: Golden Eagle
Pets: A puppy named Rocky

Background: Damien hails from St. Augustine, Florida. He attended the American Academy for Magic where he excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts. His family was an old pureblood family from the South and generation after generation had been involved in teaching at the Academy... He gave it a shot after school, as a student teaching aid, but realized where his passion lie. Auror Training school proved to be rewarding and his mentor quickly showed him that no matter what he thought before... nothing was as cut and dry as Good and Bad.


Potions- E
Transfiguration- O
Charms- E
Herbology- O

Proficiency in Stealth and Tracking, Advanced Magical Combat and Concealment and Disguise.

Special qualifications: Enchantment Detection, Analysis and Reversal - Merit
Concealment and Disguise -Commendation
Stealth and Tracking - Commendation
Defensive Charms and Counter-Curses - Merit
Advanced Magical Combat - Commendation
Arrest and Take Down - Commendation
Magical Psychology - Achieved
Wizarding Law - Achieved
Advanced Rune Magic - Commendation
Wandless Magic - Merit
Advanced Transfiguration - Commendation
Questioning and Interrogation - Commendation
Defensive Flying - Commendation
Advanced Undercover Techniques and Survival - Merit

Personality: Damien is a bit of a wild card. Tends to speak and act without really thinking things through sometimes. He is the best friend you could ask for as long as you are loyal and trustworthy. If you ever break his trust he is also the most formidable enemy you could ask for. He comes across as a smart mouth and a bit standoffish... and sometimes he is.

Current: Damien is married and living happily on his boat with one Mrs. Gemini Schiavello- Jackson. They are expecting their first child, Baby Question Mark, in the near future.

Last edited by Erindipity; 06-30-2013 at 11:34 PM.
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