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Old 02-15-2011, 09:02 AM   #11 (permalink)

Crumple-Horned Snorkack
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Giselle Barrington
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Arienne Morgenstern
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Simone Wild
Third Year
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Default wow, I'm amazing now? xD
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict

Text Cut: <3 the loverly Maxie-kitty
Originally Posted by Maxarry Me View Post
The last of the thoughts about his father and how similar their tastes could be on certain fronts, thoughts that had been hazily lurking in some unpleasant corner of his mind, departed as Renée's laughed. For now, at least, he did not have to ponder over something that he liked to believe could not define him.

"Of course I'd thought about saying it," Jared said. "Experience tells me ladies expect those kind of compliments." He made no effort to let the amused light in his eyes fade. "I figured that you might too, mademoiselle." The teasing? His tones as good as said that two could play at that game. Frankly, though, he found it pleasant fun, and her next comment pretty much confirmed that she did not feel too differently about it, either. "That's probably another mutual problem," he laughed.

"Better a brief visit than none," Jared offered. He hadn't seen his parents, though he knew he had been expected by them the day before and, try as he might, he could not feel guilty about avoiding at least one of his parents. He'd see them later tonight, though, and that meant at least his mother could inspect him to her heart's content and be glad that he hadn't done something to get himself killed yet. He didn't see what made her think he might do something of that sort, but it seemed she couldn't help it. "Making arrangements for presents in advance is always a plus." That reminded him of a certain present he had sent, and he couldn't keep back a light smile as he spoke.

"Quite good, so far. I met Gabriella, and even though meeting my dear sister means listening to all kinds of unflattering comments -" Don't give me that look, it makes you look dour. I think you've gotten fat, handsome. Has anyone told you your taste in cuisine has gotten atrocious? If you don't get rid of that haircut, you'll be a bachelor for the rest of your life. Only, it had sounded even more unflattering, even if he had known she had not meant most of it, because she has said it all in perfect French, and said it grinning. "- I had an excellent time."

And it seemed their goblets had filled themselves.

"Oh, so it's merely experience," Renée said slowly, feigning disappointment that quickly devolved into a bit of a laugh. It was too hard to really take things like that to heart, especially as he did have a point.She had liked the flattery, like any other girl. Not to mention compliments had been hard to get since she'd come to England, or at least to Hogwarts. At least, verbal compliments, as she still remembered Salander during her first lesson, dazed and confused, and a half smile crept onto her face at the memory. That grew into a full smile as Jared spoke again, though. "It's a problem?" It was certainly mutual, but she didn't see their not taking the teasing to heart as a problem. Neither one was doing it to be vindictive. It was all in good fun.

"Very true," she replied as he spoke about brief visits. "And I'm lucky in that they understand that." Well, they sort of understood. She imagined Sebastian didn't really believe she couldn't have worked on her manuscript back in New York, but she wasn't about to try and explain to her younger brother that that hadn't exactly been the only reason she'd stayed here in England this long during the holidays. He would have had just as much of an issue if she'd been there and come back for this, and she was ready for some annoyance once she'd arrived in New York. Annoyance shortly distracted by gifts. "Especially when owl post is required," she finished, as her companion for the night had spoken about making arrangements. Owl post across the Atlantic, especially.

She listened as he spoke of his sister, though, trying not to laugh at the idea of anyone peppering Jared with unflattering comments. "I think it's just part of having a sibling. They get instant permission to irritate us at any time," she observed, before deciding it was okay to smile. It all proved appropriate as he finished his thought and didn't exactly seem to be taking it entirely seriously. "That's always nice to hear. It sounds more exciting than my story, at least," she responded with a grin. before glancing down at their goblets to see they'd apparently decided to start the dinner off with drinks.

"Your work, or is the Leaky getting more elaborate in their serving methods?," she inquired lightly, taking up her goblet to sip the contents. No matter who was responsible, at least they'd done a good job. And it made things even more interesting.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees

...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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