Originally Posted by
Green Ninja
Oi the spinning was starting to get to her. She certainly wasn't going to be able to walk straight when they exited. "Oh, I wasn't sure. Is it the uniform that fascinated you? It is quite spiffing really." Giving him an embarrassed smile. She didn't mean to say that he loved violence or anything.
Balancing herself on the seat trying to keep herself more steady, she shifted more on the bench.
That large button in the middle of the controls became increasingly more interesting, but there was no need to push it to see what would happen when he was already getting dizzy. "Yeah, I mean it's cool and all; with the gold buttons, it feels kinda like a tuxedo only a little less formal." He smiled slightly at the girl and then picked up his cap and held it for a second; whether or not it was a wise decision to put it back on his head while the spinning continued was entirely up for debate.