Thread: Tea Cup Ride
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Old 02-15-2011, 06:03 AM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mandana View Post
Having a conversation while this blasted tea cup was spinning around was becoming increasingly more difficult however he figured he may as well finish what he had to say before being quiet until the thing stopped. "Uhh.. not really, wars and violence are not really my kind of thing; I just think there are other way to solve issues rather than resulting in the deaths of so many innocent people." There was another reason behind why Matt didn't like violence and it had to do with his cousin but no one needed to know the other reasons.
Oi the spinning was starting to get to her. She certainly wasn't going to be able to walk straight when they exited. "Oh, I wasn't sure. Is it the uniform that fascinated you? It is quite spiffing really." Giving him an embarrassed smile. She didn't mean to say that he loved violence or anything.

Balancing herself on the seat trying to keep herself more steady, she shifted more on the bench.