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Old 02-14-2011, 12:29 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Fern Quimbley
Third Year

Sunday February 13 2011
January/February 2074 (IC-wise)

Classes in Session

Potions 2; here ; All years, first to seventh. ((will be ending in a day, more or less))
History of Magic 1; here ; All years, first to seventh.
Muggle Studdies 1; here ; All years, first to seventh. ((returning students should bring notes from previous terms, especially those regarding first aid))
Ancient Runes 1; here ; All years, first to seventh.
Charms 2; here ; All years, first to seventh. ((Bring your wands, quills, notebooks and an open mind, the first and last being the most necessary. Comfortable shoes are a definite plus.))

*Reminder: Do NOT post your late arrival. Just pretend like you were there the whole time. And please do adhere to each of the class rules as it is the best way, as proven by countless times, to show respect to the professors.

Scheduled classes

None at this Time

History of Magic 1

Part One: (worth 4 points)
  1. In your own words, what is the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy?
  2. When and why was it first introduced?
  3. What is the significance of the year 1750 to the Statute?
  4. Name an example of a breach of the Statute.

Part Two: (worth 6 points)

With your groups (or if you choice to work alone) please outline an argument for or against the Statute in the present day. Is it still effective as it was when it was first established and is it still needed now?. Please site examples to support your argument.

OCC: If you are working in groups, only one person will need to submit for the group and the group shall get credit for. If you choose to RP meeting up with your group to complete this assignment, please include the links with the assignment.

Worth: 10 points total

Due: 23 Feb 1 AM EST/ 6 AM GMT

Be Sure to Include: Student Name, User Name, Member ID #, House, Assignment Name

Arithmancy 1
Find a partner (or two or three, but you'll get the same credit regardless, it's just up to you if you say wanted to help someone out who didn't have a partner)

Using the Chieng Tung sets found in the Arithmancy classroom and lab, ask each other a question and then shake the sticks and draw one of the numbered sticks. Have your partner interpret the result based upon the meanings and vibrations associated with the number.
Make sure you do the same for your partner and give them the courtesy of a reading, as well!

*Don't overthink this assignment though. If you're thinking too hard, you're probably doing something wrong. You could just as easily get full marks for two RP posts versus ten novella posts. Just remember: quality over quantity.

*Note: If you were unable to attend the lesson, you're welcome to complete & include the class assignment with your homework for partial credit =)
Worth: 10 points [extra credit possible for outstanding efforts*].

Due: At the start of the second lesson, which is tentatively scheduled for the end of February. But you'll be notified at least three days before the lesson begins =)

Be Sure to Include: Character Name, User Name, House, and User ID Number. AND ALL POST LINKS!!!

If you encounter any questions regarding the assignments, feel free to PM myself (Wenzlebug), Beth (imaginarynumb3rs), Lindsey (Lindzers) or the Professor who assigned the homework.


Hogwarts Grounds: Our dear Groundskeeper Stryker has a lot on his mind lately. Make sure to keep an eye on these hot spots for any volunteers he might be looking to lend a hand or two or four in doing some light chores around the grounds.
The Student Gardens: Professor Mugwort likes the student gardens well maintained. Have a knack for Herbology? Then why not offer your assistance in helping to ensure the plants are well nourished?
Hogwarts Library: Perhaps you are one who enjoys the books and spends way too much time inside reading/studying? If this is you, then try offering out your assistance to re-shelving/organizing books to Madame Donovan.
Animal Collective: Have no qualms of dealing with animals? Then the Animal Collective is the best place for you. Twenty different animals roaming free in an enclosure, that is quite a big number, isn't it? Professor Saylen could really use some apt, kind volunteers.


Young Wizards Hunting Organization: A club for students interested in practicing the safe care of creatures (both magical and nonmagical) when said creatures are either threatened by or about to threaten muggles and/or wizards. Methods practiced will be both magical and nonmagical. Their first meeting is going on now, so pop on in and join!
The Perfect Prefect High Tea: Thy Prefects are hosting a Period Costume Tea Party on thy grounds. Everyone is invited: big or small, olde or young, staff or student. Be sure to wear ye best attire ((a costume from any period in English history))! Find yourself a date or come by ones self to a morne of joy and tea.

Find anyplace else that you think would be good to add to this 'extra' list for Badgers to know? Please send a PM to one (or both) of your House Prefects, or Quidditch Captain.

February 15th (Tuesday) - 4 PM EST / 9 PM GMT
February 16th (Wednesday) - 6 PM EST / 11 PM GMT
February 17th (Thursday) - 6 PM EST / 11 PM GMT
February 18th (Friday) - 12 PM (noon) EST / 5 PM GMT
February 20th (Sunday) - 12 PM (noon) EST / 5 PM GMT
February 21st (Monday) - 3 PM EST / 8 PM GMT
February 22nd (Tuesday) - 5 PM EST / 10 PM GMT

Don't forget to PM Captain Lockhart back letting her know which practices you can attend. Remember, if less than three people can attend a practice it will be canceled. Any changes to the schedule will be edited into this post.

House Points

Gryffindor: 910
Slytherin: 907
Hufflepuff: 667
Ravenclaw: 665

Prefect's Note


I just wanted to tell everyone that you are all doing so wonderful in class! Have you checked the hourglasses lately? We're over half way to a 1000 points! That's a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY big number!!!

Also, we've recently had our first Quidditch match, and all our players were brilliant! If you see Captain Lockhart or any of them in the halls, stop and congratulate them (I know you probably told them all already, but it can't hurt to tell them a second time how great they did)! Oh! And the Slytherins were terrific as well and deserve lots of congratulations as well!

On the topic of Quidditch - the Ravenclaw v.s. Gryffindor match was just the other day, and they both performed their very hardest too! Even if you weren't in the stands cheering, you can still show your support by saying, "good job!"

One last thing – I don’t know if you’ve heard or not, but there’s a Tea Party going on outside! Please come, no matter what, because it will be A LOT OF FUN! You can plan on all sorts of amazing activities, and I have it on very good account that butterbeer will be provided.

Prefect Wesley Reagan.

Last edited by imaginarynumb3rs; 02-14-2011 at 01:24 AM.
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