Originally Posted by Orion Black "Not read, persay, more of a look at the spineless slithering creatures that my house was named after. Did you have a chance to read it? I mean, it's not too thick, but it's thick enough, you know? I had no idea there were that many snakes in the world. And more being discovered each year. I mean, it's amazing. And thank you for the compliment. As soon I can, I'll see about getting you a nice necklace or bracelet or something I think you'll like. How does that sound?" OOC:I gotta get off here for the night. my meddsare really messing with my head right now. I'll be back later. Jaina smiled. He had looked at it and was fascinated by all the snakes. "No, I hadn't read it, but I knew you would love it. Oona wasn't to thrilled to bring it back, though," she giggled. "I had to spring for some mice for her at Eelyop's as a reward."
Jaina's eyes brightened and widened. "Really you don't have to," she said. She looked into his eyes and smiled warmly. "I already have everything I want just being with you." She blushed a bit and hugged him. "You know this is the closest I've ever been to a horse. They're quite magnificent!"
__________________ "I'm just a Hufflepuff" |