Thread: Tea Cup Ride
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Old 02-13-2011, 05:58 AM   #18 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by forensicscientist101 View Post
Charlie saw the bruise on Braeden's head, now that she thought about it. . . did he fall?! "Braeden! Your head! Is it alright?!?"

Charlie saw the look she got from LC. Ookay? Maybe he wasn't so hurt. Her eyes tracked down Brae's clothes, Wow. Even in those clothes he's. . . handsome. She diverted her gaze away, hoping against hope that she didn't blush again.

CU(Charlie the Unicorn for short) chuckled at Braeden before looking back at him, "Thanks. I never was the best with the Tea Cups at DisneyLand." Her gripped tighten until her knuckles were white. Try as she might, she couldn't let go off the tea cup, Pull yourself together Charlie! Don't make a fool of yourself!

At LC's question, CU looked at the button. Her eyes widen to an almost painful size, "Braeden if you push that button they will not find you for two months." His finger inched closer, "Braedennn." She had heard about that button. Even people with iron-clad stomachs had lost their lunch's. Knowig Braeden, she grabbed his arm squeezed her eyes tight and held on for the ride that was most certainly going to come.
"Wha'? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," said Braeden with one of his goofy grins as Charlie asked if he was okay. In all honesty, he'd forgotten all about the bruise on his forehead. He was too distracted right now. He laughed lightly at her comment about the tea cups at DisneyLand. He'd heard of the place, but had never been outside of the UK… He dreamed of being able to go to a Disney park someday. It was like… Hogwarts for Muggles. The most magical place ever… The boy nearly got sparkly-eyed just thinking about it.

Anyway, enough about Disney. What were they talking about? Oh right, that funky psychedelic-looking button. Braeden's smirk grew as did Charlie's eyes. Awww, the poor girl seemed terrified… But not terrified enough to get the childish Braeden to stop reaching out for the button. He wanted to know what it diiiiiiid! And what better way to find out than by push--


And now Charlie the Unicorn and the Lion Cub were spinning out of control over the ice, the extreme velocity of the moving tea cup pushing them left and right and front and back in the cup, causing them to crash against the sides of the cup as it spun at a speed Braeden had never even thought possible. Merlin! Good thing he hadn't had lunch, or else… Yeah, it wouldn't look too pretty on Charlie's dress. The boy held on as tightly as he could to the side of the cup, his hand going white and his whole arm froze while he held on as if his life depended on it. Which it did. Would this ever stop?! If he could just reach the stop button…

"Are you alright?!" called out the boy to Charlie. The sound of the wind was so strong he could barely hear himself, and the speed made it difficult for him to keep his brown eyes fully open. Oh Merlin, if this thing sent them out flying into outer space… Yeah, that wouldn't be fun.

— the sun & the moon
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