Love in the Stacks...
As a good gossip finder writer, it is my job to find the stories that will intrigue you, make you laugh, make you cry and blow your magical little minds! Well I was in the Library, and don’t think you now know who I am. I am Apollo and besides there are way too many others in there for you to even imagine picking me out of all of them. Anyway, this story took place in the dark, back shelves of the library. Sounds ominous does it not? Well you will just have to keep reading, right? News has been heard that a certain Hufflepuff staple and a beautifully seductive Ravenclaw had a chance meeting back there.
That’s right magical teens of both genders, Jake Upstead KISSED Neptune Bott! A lot of us have seen them together frequenting the streets of chilly Hogsmeade. It was bound to happen and who knows, perhaps the Founders placed some sort of a love charm on those dusty old bookshelves. (I doubt it honestly) *shoots confetti into air and parties* I don’t know how you all feel, but this God thinks that lessons should be cancelled and have a holiday declared for the students of Hogwarts.
I never get over this type of House Unity!