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Old 02-11-2011, 02:03 AM   #8 (permalink)
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One big happy family?

Dear readers,

As our ever lovely Nemesis has pointed out, there has been a great change in our curriculum, having long discussions of muggles and our precious Statute added in to our daily lessons. Of course, I do believe we have the newcomer Ikenna Gevrik, Special Security Liaison, to thank for that. His arrival is a bit late in my opinion, but I suppose we can't rush the Ministry, what with their busy work lives and all.

His speech at the opening feast left some scratching their heads as talk of making safe choices and of how times are changing filled our ears. While I'm sure all of us were curious to know if he was going to elaborate on such topics, I believe it to be rather suspicious that he left us with only a few general words, especially considering he is after all the Special Security Liaison. Perhaps compassion and the ability to reassure people aren't in his best skills. However, as the first Hogsmeade trip arrived, everyone was invited to the Hog's Head for a meet and greet, which those returning students from a few years back should remember of the dangers that were hidden in that very place. On the other hand, we all are finally able to find out why this man is really in our school. Are we in danger? Is he here to just be a reminder of how our security has been 'upgraded'? Is he going to be teaching a class any time soon?

As come to find out, Mr. Gevrik does indeed work at the British Ministry, claiming to be a rather high-ranking employee there; a high-ranking employee that has connections and that these connections are what got him into the school. It does not surprise me that he did not label who these connections of his are specifically, but he did give mention to the Quibbler and how he has a few friends in 'the Knight', and friends that are even in our own Hogsmeade village streets. Who are these friends? Again, we do not know. On the other hand, as his speech continued on, I'm quite sure that he had a few heads turning his way in surprise who weren't paying attention before. It seems our Security Liaison is in favor of taking down the Statute of Secrecy and letting the Muggle world see what has been hiding under their very noses. The same Statute of Secrecy that has been protecting wizard kind and all alike for centuries from the hazardous ways of the Muggle world. Need I remind people of their easily obsessive ways, greed for power, and the ever atrocious witch burnings that they've created in the past? Who is to say that is all different now and times have changed? From what I can see, this is all just one big puzzle, with rather key pieces missing and others that don't fit correctly or are completely wrong in the first place.

Until later, I end here with my own piece of advice that will fit anywhere in the puzzle. Keep your eyes and ears open, and please remember to make safe choices.

Yours very truly,


Last edited by Aparecium; 02-20-2011 at 01:28 AM.
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