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Old 02-10-2011, 05:30 PM   #282 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Tazenhani View Post
Oh the places he could go with that comment. But for once he was wise and minded his tongue. A good idea considering her advantage over him at the moment. He really didn't want more snow down his pants, and he knew she would, without hesitation.

Slipping his arms under her knees, he stuck his hands easily in his pockets and started the walk back to the castle. Hands in pockets turned out to be a rather poor idea given how difficult it was to walk through the deep snow with her on his back. It was a lot harder than he expected it to be. "For a price maybe? This isn't as easy as it looks." As indicated by his swaying now and then and slipping here and there. "You owe me a backrub after this."
Lexi was completely oblivious to the fact that Sabel was having difficulties carrying her. Yep. She had her eyes closed and her head rested against his back. Body warmth was a lovely thing.

Here eyes popped open when he spoke and she scoffed a tad. I weigh next to nothing, Sabel. How difficult could it be?" she said with a little poke to his ribs for good measure. "Gah you are SO demanding. I suppose I can give you a backrub... in exchange for that cocoa," she teased slightly.
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