EVERYTHING... appears to be about muggles in class. I mean... despite a couple of exceptions... everything is just mugglecentric D:
Maybe this is to be noted?
Far too many links/quotes to even TRY and put in here.
ALSO... I meant to put this in here ages ago but I couldn't remember where I'd read it, and I just remembered today XD So... it's obvious now and quite possibly linked to... *points up at what I just said*
Originally Posted by
Yet? So he might be back to complain LATER?
"I received the papers, and you're cleared to complete your seventh year. I sincerely doubt you've studied exactly what is expected, but because of the recent change to curriculum from the Ministry... well. You'll be in the same boat as everyone else," Tate studied his hands for a moment before making eye contact with the boy.
A request? Hmmm. "Requests are conditional. What is it you'd like?"
The bolded, yo =P