Thread: Harry Potter: A Year in Hiding- Sa16+
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Old 02-09-2011, 03:41 PM   #37 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Chapter Nine- Insanity, Terror and Torture

For the first time in the whole of my life, I was terrified. But not for myself- for the others. I wasn’t sure what would happen next but I knew it would be bad. Hermione was unconscious at Bellatrix’s feet and I was standing in the middle of the room, face to face with Draco.

I want the truth, Daniels, and you will give it to me. Draco will see to that” Bellatrix said as she stepped away from Hermione. I took the chance and cast a wordless protection charm round her just in case.

Alicia- ” Draco whispered and my eyes snapped to his face- fire dancing in them.

I thought I could trust you for a second back then- the way you were lying about us. I guess you can’t change a person over time, can you?’ I saw him flinch slightly but he began to stare at me in a way I’d only seen on Jamie’s face.

It wasn’t my idea, Alicia! It was Bellatrix! She thought that you would come running to their rescue but you didn’t- I wasn’t involved’ I let the frown form on my face as I met his eyes. I noticed that, for once, they weren’t’ full of hatred.

Swear on it’ I replied, narrowing my eyes slightly as I brushed scarlet curls out of my face.

I swear on Albus Dumbledore’s grave, Alicia, I wasn’t involved

I believe you’ I thought, feeling totally insane. ‘I’m going to help you out of this, Draco, but you have to do what I say’ Insaina must have sat in now.

Anything’ I heard before someone tutted nearby.

If you won’t act, Draco, I’ll let Greyback do it!” Bellatrix threatened and I smirked. Draco let a small frown cross his features.

Yeah, Draco, don’t you want to fight me? Are you too scared? Why don’t step aside, little boy, and make room for the big bad wolf” I said, laughter in my voice, and I heard Greyback snarl. Draco stood there for a second so I sighed. ‘You said anything- so attack me. I’m not going to be too hard on you- promise’ He got the hint then, pointing his wand at me and sending something my way.

After a few minutes of me dodging everything that Draco sent my way, Bellatrix got bored- bored enough to send the Cruciatus curse my way, which hit me square in the back, sending me flying face first into the carpet, screaming in pain.

What do you want me to do?’ Draco thought as the pain lifted. I rolled over, gasping for air.

Hurt me’ I replied before Bellatrix aimed at my chest, making feel as if my lungs were on fire. I heard Draco’s silent refusal under my screams and tears. ‘Do- it- Draco- I- want- you to- hurt me’ I thought round the pain. As I lay on the floor, I caught a glimpse of his face as he raised his wand again- it was full of disgust. Bellatrix didn’t lift her wand while Draco sent the Severing charm at me again and again.

That’s enough” Bellatrix said after a while, making Draco step back, his thoughts nothing but apologies. She raised her wand and I curled into a ball trying to breath. “Fetch me the Goblin, Draco” I watched from the floor as he ran from the room. Bellatrix wrapped her hand in my light grey hair and I gasped in pain as I was forced to my knees. I felt the warm blood run down my bare skin in little trickles, my shirt and jeans ripped open, showing my underwear. My vision flashed and I saw Draco enter the room in the basement. My eyes were locked on Jamie but I noticed that there were more people down here- Luna and Mr Ollivander. I watched as the prisoners lined up against the wall and Draco dragged the barely conscious Goblin from the room. I blinked to find myself face to face with Draco again.

Are you okay?’ He thought and I glared at him. His lip twitched slightly and he turned away from me. I caught his eye run down the length of my body.

I will kill you if you look at me in that way again- that is a promise’ I threatened and I saw his cheek turn pink as a loud crack met our ears. I concentrated on the basement room and caught Ron’s thoughts- Dobby had arrived to save us.


I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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