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Old 02-08-2011, 05:27 PM   #257 (permalink)
Formerly: Miss Feenella

X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lany MCKenna
Fourth Year

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" Hugo is great for you and you for him" Rex told Fee." As long as you tell Justin he is just a friend and he believes you, everything will be fine" Rex said to Fee." Well, I need money, which I have, not good grades to open my dance studios" Rex explained to Fee." I would not think of giving up if I thought that teacher would have given me a fair grade or made it easier for me to understand" Rex sighed."Well, I would rather be in Lafay's doghouse than spend one minute in Transfiguration" Rex smiled an eerie smile.
Would you do me a favor?" Rex asked Fee.
" I know he is great for me",Fee smiled,"but i really hope he thinks the same about me too."Yes, she knew he liked her a lot but still the blonde didnt know what he felt exactly.She couldnt look in his head right?!"He knows that i love Hugo",the Slytherin explained.It was sweet how worried her best friend was but the girl new what she was doing."Ohhhhh you want to open a dance studio?",Fee asked stunned.That so sutied her best friend.He surely would be really succesfull with it. People were going to love him ,he was a dancing genius.Waaiiit, Rex rather wanted to be in Lafay's dog house? Nowwwww that made clear how much he disliked the new professor."I know what you mean but you shouldm proof the teacher wrong and show him what you can do if you want to."That was the best revenge actually. Ohh she should do him a favor?!"What is it bestie?"
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