For Davs <33333 Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!
Things around Hogwarts were becoming familiar now. It wasn't quite so daunting as it had been when Freddie first arrived to begin his late education in magic. He was understanding more and more and magic was slowly starting to become natural to him.. not quite second nature yet, but he was consciously using it wherever he could.
With a heavy bag full of books slung over his shoulder (not having yet mastered how to charm it to be lighter), he made his way into the library. Now this place was more familiar than he would have liked.. but circumstances warranted at least one visit here per day. He may be catching up with his peers, but that didn't mean he could be lax about his studies: he still had a long way to go to be at the same level as the other seventh years.
With a loud crash, he swung his bag onto one of the study tables and sat unceremoniously, frowning deeply as he retrieved his Charms textbook and a muggle notebook and pen from his bag. Head down, he began to read and take notes, trying to get his head around what he was finding a particularly tricky subject.
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