doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Nika wandered into the corridor leading to the courtyard. She needed somewhere to practice her transfiguration homework. She was planning on going to the courtyard and practicing there, but she couldn't wait! "Okay Nika you can do this! It's easy just think." She cleared her mind the best she could and put away the lingering thoughts of her confusing potions assignment. She took a deep breath and took out the watch from her pocket. It had been sitting in there for a day now. She was upset that her first attempt of practice didn't go very well and so she left it for later. But Nika was not a quitter!
She played with the big pocket watch in her hands. Wrapping the golden chain around her fingers. "Nika, just imagine what you want the compass to look like" It seemed easy enough. Nika just needed to focus. Something in which she had a lot of trouble doing. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes. "Start simple", she told herself. "Okay, when I say the spell I will no longer be holding a watch. In it's place will be a compass. Instead of a big shape it will be no bigger than the size of my palm."
She whispered comletia. And looked down at first a bit frightened of what the watch would turn out to look like. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it had turned into the same gray compass that she had made before. But this time it had shrunk by many intervals. It was a bit smaller than her palm and she could easily close her fist around it. "Well I guess it's a start." She turned it back into the same watch as before and pocketed it. She smiled to herself while heading on her way to the courtyard.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |