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"Really?!?!" Jamie would love to have a cat all her own to cuddle with and snuggle with and love. She could already see how everything would all work out. "One of the best thing?" Jamie was now curious. What else could've been a best thing to happen to him?
Tyrone smiled softly.
"Really" He was going to let Jamie have first pick of the litter, and if none appealed to her, then he would do the same thing with the next litter too.
"Yeah. She is something special. I haven't had too many good things happen to me. Getting her, and meeting you" Tyrone looked away from Jamie then, findint a loose thread on his robes more interesting.
"They are two things that have ever truely made made me smile openly like you have seen"
It was true, there were very few times when he would be smiling and laughing the way he had been since the Feast.